Release notes

Check out our latest AI Assist for Gemini in Google Sheets and Docs updates:

July 31st, 2024

AI Assist for Gemini in Google Sheets and Docs

We’ve released System Instructions feature:
Provide system instructions to add preferences or requirements that you’d like the AI to consider when generating its responses. All GEMINI for Sheets executions in the current spreadsheet will take these instructions into account.

July 23rd, 2024

Limit features in the sidebar based on the user's access to the spreadsheet.

  • API keys can be added or removed by the owner of the spreadsheet only and this feature will be disabled for non-owners.
  • Pause and resume Gemini functions can only be done by the spreadsheet owner and buttons to perform these actions will be disabled for non-owners.
  • Toggling cache can be performed by the spreadsheet owner and this functionality will also be disabled for non-owners.
Guarding custom formulas
Custom formulas will run only if the user/the spreadsheet owner has an ACTIVE subscription or it is in a trial period(i.e. for the first 15 days). If the plan or the trial has expired, the user can only run the GEMINI function.
GEMINI_VISION now uses Gemini-1.5-Flash model as default to work with images.
GEMINI_FORMAT can format dates, currencies, addresses, name, etc. It can also fix capitalization and much more.

July 10th, 2024

AI Assist for Gemini in Google Sheets and Docs

We’ve released a few more functions: GEMINI_TABLE, GEMINI_CLASSIFY, GEMINI_TAG !
Use Gemini Pro AI to generate table, classify the text behaviour and tag.

March 28th, 2024

AI Assist for Gemini in Google Sheets, Docs and Forms

Available in Google Docs & Google Forms

  • The add-on now works with Google Docs and Google Forms. Create entire quizzes in Google Forms by Gemini AI

February 28th, 2024

AI Assist for Gemini in Google Sheets and Docs

Token Counter is now live:

  • The add-on now supports token counter which can get the token count and the number of billable characters for a prompt.

February 22th, 2024

AI Assist for Gemini in Google Sheets and Docs

Updated Sidebar UI:

  • The add-on now supports interactive Sidebar to custom run GEMINI functions.
  • Pause/Resume, Replace and Regenerate functions are live.
  • Added AI Prompt Library with handpicked prompts.

January 18th, 2024

AI Assist for Gemini in Google Sheets and Docs

Gemini Vision AI API:

  • The add-on now supports GEMINI_VISION function which adds the functionality of Gemini Pro Vision AI to analyze images and generate responses based on it.

January 16th, 2024

AI Assist for Gemini in Google Sheets and Docs

We’ve released a few more functions: GEMINI_TRANSLATE, GEMINI_SUMMARIZE, GEMINI_EXTRACT !
Use Gemini Pro AI to translate, summarize and extract useful entities from long form content.

January 8th, 2024

AI Assist for Gemini in Google Sheets and Docs

Cost management feature:

  • Cache management: we now cache answers of the same prompt by default for a duration of roughly 6 hours. This means that every answer you get will be reused if you ask the same question again or the formula gets recalculated will help lower your Gemini AI costs. You can disable the cache if you prefer to explore variations rapidly and do not want to reuse answers. The cache is per spreadsheet.

January 4th, 2024

AI Assist for Gemini in Google Sheets and Docs first release!

We’ve released a few functions: GEMINI, GEMINI_LIST, GEMINI_FILL, GEMINI_SPLIT !
Craft captivating, brand-consistent ad copy, taglines, and subject lines that captivate your audience, like “Top 5 taglines for a travel blog".